Independent Growth Mentor (IGM) Program

What is IGM Program ?

Independent Growth Mentor (IGM) is a Win-Win Model & an exclusive mentorship program brought into existence by SKILLFULNESS ACADEMY.

This program empowers with a title IGM which is provided to people who willingly register in the program under offered packages, get access to learn various skills by experts to grow more in every sphere of life, earn commission/profit by promoting & selling products or services of the organization & mentor people around to grow together.

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USP of IGM Program

  • Risk & Liability Free Secured & Ideal platform for working or to build career.
  • Promotes & uplifts our own existing & aspiring local entrepreneurs, trainers & professionals.
  • No need to do business on other’s face value, our platform provides opportunity to create your own identity.
  • We provide education & required skills to balance all spheres of life not only business.
  • Affordable Investment opportunity with genuine ROI along with Name, fame, respect & wealth. (No hidden or indirect charges).
  • We not only provide video sessions but also direct sessions of experts. (Two way communication).
  • We provide opportunity to promote to yourself, your talent, skills, courses, own products/services using our platform which is not offered by other platforms.(T&C Apply as per the package).
  • One time registration with personal & professional growth based learning membership.
  • Our membership is easily affordable for every class of the society.
  • Ideal platform for Job seekers to get industry required skills, knowledge & overall exposure for further better growth opportunities.
  • Our membership is easily affordable for every class of the society.
  • Costlier Skills & learning are available free of cost.(No hidden or indirect charges).
  • Free from money rotation, easy money making schemes based concepts.
  • No need to sale any physical product.
  • Our product /services are based on individual’s or organization’s requirement that is never ending need.
  • Provides easy entry to aspiring trainers,Influencers & coaches to build career in L&D industry.
  • Competition is normal but execution of IGM Program is too tough.
  • Less dependency on company & it’s officials, we develop presenters & regional promoters, so direct support can be provided.
  • We use Less technology, less T&Cs & documentations to let in less tech savvies, provide user friendly services to support everyone with easy going system.
  • Easy membership, easy working model, easy payment transactions, easy income, fast growth.
IGM joining


Aspiring Independent Growth Mentor (IGM) members can join the IGM platform under 3 packages -

1 Package

Basic learner package

Students, passionate learners who wish to develop themselves more with creative skills and insightful learning can join IGM Platform under this package.

  • Valid for 2 years.
  • Access to attend our special sessions by experts associated with us.
  • Referral benefit upto 30%. Practice & promotional platform to such desirable or aspiring public speakers, trainers.

2 Package

Entrepreneur package

Aspiring learners & entrepreneurs who want to grow more themselves can learn & earn together under this package.

  • Valid for 5 years and other benefits of Basic package.
  • Access to promote your own business & start up. (T&C apply).
  • Branding & promotional support for financial growth.
  • Access to attend special workshops & trainings by company with great discounts.
  • Regional IGM Member benefits.

3 Package

Professional package

This package offers opportunity to dynamic & aspiring Entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches, Counselors, and other ...
L&D professionals who wish to Learn and Grow and leave their footprints on the Training arena along with Earning some handsome financial returns along with some excellent growth opportunities.

  • Unlimited time validity along with other benefits of Basic & Entrepreneur Packages.
  • Paid sessions by organization. (T&C Apply)
  • Exclusive promotional support.
  • Projects (if any) are shared with eligible experts.(If skills match).
  • Eligible for heading the Regional Centre (can be a setup) as per IGM and Skillfulness Academy’s guidelines.

Regional IGM Member


These are the enthusiasts with growth mindset whose priority might be Learning & Earning both, so they are considered full time learner & earner with the system. They work to earn more through numerous earning verticals designed by Skillfulness Academy, so they show their leadership by taking self initiative to understand the whole concept, show maximum presentations to people by conducting online promotional webinars & through paper plans offline, participate in regular trainings, workshops & other activities, tries to perform as main speaker, trainer & leader, also performs all tasks at regional level as company does at national level & gets all privileges as per the set guidelines of Skillfulness Academy.

The more you help people to grow, the more you grow.

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Regional IGM Registration Form

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